Chemical Schematic
The situations presented in my paintings are diagrammatic renderings of engineered environments. I like to pose a fictional view of the ever-changing state of nature and its various forms of adaptation. Selected elements from the natural world persist within the architecture of limitation and categorization. Trees, plants and mushrooms flourish in crystalline formations in the face of bleak prospects. Walls block the growth of would-be forests. I imagine the substructure of a landscape exposed and visible to reveal networks of hidden layers. My work attempts to view a compression of the past and future in a graphic, exploded space. Chemical Schematic presents a space of reflected reality. It utilizes a grid as a flattened formal element that shifts over to an illusory image of nature. The landscape is seen as a double reflection both upon an architectural façade as well as a questionable pool of water. It is literally a reflection of a chemically enhanced sunset.