Animal Locomotion; Plate 197 (Couple Dancing)
Many years ago, I was browsing in the Museum of Modern Art’s bookstore and came across a French book on motion in photography that had this Muybridge image on the cover. Muybridge is best known for his studies of animals in motion, but he also photographed the human body in motion. I found this image particularly pleasing and very romantic, so I set out to try and buy a print. Calls to all the Muybridge specialists proved fruitless. Trips to galleries and art fairs yielded no leads. Then one day I was at Photo LA and saw a booth with Muybridge prints. The booth owner didn’t have it but thought he had seen it in another booth. That booth didn’t have it but thought he had seen it in another booth. On and on this went until the last possible booth, where the dealer dug into a stack of gravures and produced the image. I brought the print back home and eventually took it to Washington, D.C., for my friend David Adamson to scan so I would always have a copy and could in fact sell reproductions if I wanted to. (Anything published before 1923 is in the public domain, so there are no copyright issues.) After misplacing the print and finally finding it again, it’s now back in the gallery. After what must be at least a seven-or-eight-year odyssey from first seeing the image in a book, clearly the only solution is to get it framed and hang it on the wall. I am reproducing this image so that others may enjoy this print as I do, and as a tribute to Muybridge’s contributions to stop-motion photography. It’s also going to be my go-to wedding present for friends embarking on married life! , James Danziger