September Shade
My current body of work explores the intersection between fact and fiction and the search for a more personal truth that lives somewhere in between. I begin each piece with a photographic image, which I print in sections, cut up and reassemble onto a panel. I then paint over the entire image, covering up and altering anything that feels unnecessary or distracting while turning up the volume on the parts that resonate with me. This process echoes the way we each edit, reconstruct and retell our own memories in order to make sense of them.
September Shade is a continuation of a series I began in 2008 based on photos I took of old lawn chairs in my mother’s yard and on my grandmother’s porch. I especially loved the way I would find them arranged at angles in small groupings – evidence of the conversations and connections during their last use. These days, the chairs I paint are usually part of my own ever-expanding collection that fill my basement, porch and attic. I approach this current series more as portraiture than suburban landscape or still life. Arranged forward facing in twos and threes the chair become couples, siblings or old friends.